I would be interested in reading an interview series of local fishing/hunting guides

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election 2016 .. Hillary or Donald ... doesn't matter, LOVE must prevale!!

Hate is NEVER an answer!!!
OHHH WOW good morning my friends and faithful readers. before I begin I just want to say I LOVE you all. I do not categorize my friends by their political leanings or religious beliefs. I do not categorize my friends... if you are my friend (FB or otherwise) it is because I believe I have seen something in your character (or FB posts) that lead me to believe that at your core, your heart, you desire to be the best person you can be and not just for yourself but those around you as well.

For those reading this (because you are my friends and I know your character), this election season has been the most difficult in our lifetimes. We have had to bare the nastiest political ads, the most uninformative debates and the most divisive candidates in our countries history. ALL of us are either completely stunned and broken that our candidate didn't win or we are excited to see an upset in the election that could never have been seen by anyone watching the "polls" on the mainstream media. I sat up last night until 2am watching to see if they would call the election. I watched FOX news, CBS and CNN and one thing was true throughout... NOONE actually saw this coming. Now I understand that if your candidate won you are saying to yourself "well I saw it, I knew he'd win" but I am talking about the general media understanding throughout the country. I heard M. Kelly loosing her mind trying to understand "how this happened" even though she is a Rep. supporter. I watched as the Clinton crowd fell silent and defeated during the later part of the evening. I think this election really showed us that the mainstream media can do all the predicting and polls they like but as one commentator stated "the only poll that counts is the one on Nov. 8th".

Just so that you all understand that I am not a hypocrite I said the same thing when President Obama was elected. I made it clear then that even if you do not agree with his politics or him as a person it is the duty of EVERY American to honor their elected officials (just look back at my FB posts you'll find it).

We all need to keep in mind that this election was NEVER about who would be the best president of the 2 candidates. This election was never about picking the savior of the free world. It was about choose who we believed would screw the country up the least.

To the President of the United States -
"Mr. president, thank you for serving your country the best you knew how and trying to govern a multitude of peoples that did and did not agree with you. every job has it's challenges and you may just have the greatest in all of our great nation. Many of us may not have agreed with you on many of the things you chose to do while in office but there are many that did agree with you and I can respect that. I can respect their point of view even if I do agree with them. Even though I may not personally agree with your politics and the choices you have made, as you vacate the White House I pray that you are able to look back at your brief time as the leader of the free world and be proud of your accomplishments even if others are not. I pray you can find peace after having the highest job in the nation. but Mr. President please know that this is not the end of your time, know that this may not have been the greatest accomplishment of your lifetime. Seek out God, the lord Jesus Christ STILL stands at the door and knocks. Do you hear him? He loves you and wants to abide with you in eternity. Turn to him and he will forgive your sins and save your soul. You see Mr. President, that office is not the greatest thing you could ever achieve, salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ is far more important. I wish you the very best in your remaining days thank you again for your service."

To Secretary Clinton,
Mrs. Clinton, I know how frustrated you must feel right now and I "feel your pain", all jokes aside I truly can't imagine to have come this far and been so sure of something all to have the rug pulled out from underneath you. I am sure you feel heart broken and betrayed. Rest in the knowledge that your fight has been an inspiration to all the little girls out there who now can believe that it is possible for a woman to be President. I do not believe you lost because "The country is not ready for a woman President." I believe you lost because our country needs something different. I am not sure I am able to properly articulate what that is right now but we need to shake up things in our political system and we believe Mr. Trump will do just that. As an American I would like to ask you to hold your head up and stand before our governing body and give an account for why you chose to act so callously with confidential documents all the while knowing that there are currently men and woman in prison for doing the exact same thing that you did. I pray that as you have been an example to little girls out there of what a woman can truly achieve in America, that you will continue to be an example to the men and woman of our armed force and our gov.t that know full well the consequences of their actions regarding national security.
Mrs. Clinton I know fully how difficult your life has been, I have watched on national television as your husband confessed to being unfaithful to you and your family, I watched (as did all Americans) as you stood by him and supported him after that day. I watched as you rose to Secretary of State. I believe you have the best intentions for our country but many do not agree with how that must be achieved. As you watch the media try to explain to you and the rest of the country why you did not win, please reach out to the only one who can give you peace and understand, repent and turn your heart to God. Jesus stands at the door and knocks, will you open that door and allow him to change your heart. I and many Americans wish you the best as you make sense of this election and the coming days and years. Thank you for your service to our country.

To the President elect -
Dear Mr. Trump, WOW what an amazing upset you achieved last night. It has been stated on almost ever mainstream media outlet as being one of (if not THE) greatest upset in American history, I do not personally know how true that is and I am not sure it really matters. what I do know is that you have a VERY long and hard road ahead of you. I have studied your life and you have had great success in your business' and personal life but you have not had to govern the masses. You have not had to listen to many people tell you no and this may prove to be very difficult for you. I and many other throughout this great country will be pray for you. You must be strong and hold your head up as you admit that you may not like doing a particular thing but you and your administration believe it is what is best for our country. You may have entered this race as a dare or a joke, never believing you could actually win but Mr. Trump there are millions of Americans that are counting on you now. you said "let's make America great again" and we are expecting to see you do just that. you have promised to repeal "Obamacare" and many of us need that but as you do so please do not forget to consider the hundreds of thousands of men, woman and children that were unable to even secure healthcare for themselves (or their babies) before "Obamacare" came to be. I pray you seek God for your answers as he is the only one that can foresee the results of the decision we make. The Lord Jesus Christ stands at the door and knocks sir, do you hear him? He desires to know you and have himself known in and through you. will you answer his call? being President may be the brass ring of our human world but it would be a tragedy to have achieved all this and leave this world for an eternity apart for God. I, in concert with the rest of our country, wish you very best and we WILL be praying for you.

To the next set of candidates -
Thank you for being willing to stand in the public forum and be tried in the court of public opinion. This is going to be a very difficult time for you and your family and we know that. hold strong to your convictions as those belief that brought you to this decision. Please keep in mind that you are electing to be a representative of something greater than yourself. Tell the truth at all times we are tired of the lies. Do not concern yourself with the trash talk of your opponent and do not stoop to that level. Tell us how you plan to make our lives better. Tell us how you plan to change the wrongs within the system. Do not fight with your opponent we already know you don't agree with each other we do not need to waste 2 hours watching you in a debate all to walk away with no more understanding of your political policies that we had when it started. Tell us who YOU are. Tell us why you are the best option for leadership not why your opponent is not. Admit your failures and hold your head high to show us your are strong and take responsibility for you actions. LEAD our country, LEAD our gov.t. and be beyond reproach. understand that we the people know that we all make mistakes and we are willing to forgive them so long as you don't keep repeating them. show us respect and strength of conscience and of character and we will follow you. Let the Lord guide your campaign and you office if you are elected. We will be praying for you.

and finally....

To the American people -
Dear brothers and sisters, I know that as you watched the election you were surprised, even stunned. you watched with breathless anticipation that your candidate was dominating the election or watched in absolute horror as you candidate was loosing more and more ground they counted on for the win. Today many of you are elated that you will most likely not be required to pay the hefty fines imposed on you for not having health ins. at tax season while others are scarred to their core that they or their children will loose the heath care they have counted on for the last 2 years. Many of you believe that Mr. Trump will single handed stop the "slaughter of millions of unborn humans" while others feel he will take away the rights of woman to make the choice (no matter when she decides to start making choices). I cannot list all the issues we are facing but 1 thing is clear, good or bad, Mr. Trump is NOT a career politician. this may be a good thing or it may be horrible but we were never voting for who would be the best president in this election we voted for the person we believed would screw up the country the least. I do not care if you are black, white, yellow, tan....purple whatever you are a fellow human being and my door will be open to you. I will show you the love my King requests/requires of his children to show others. I will feed you, I will clothes you and I will tell you the truth. I will not turn my back on you. I do not care if you are a man or a woman, I will not talk in any way to humiliate, emasculate or dehumanize you, your gender does not and should not by definition make you are target.
We live in a time where many (if not most) act as though they believe that if someone does not agree with them then they must be the enemy. THIS IS NOT TRUE. I have many friends that are homosexual and they know how I believe but this does not mean I love them any less or would treat them as less. There is no place in our society for racism, there is no place in our society for chauvinism/sexism, there is no place in our society for classism <if that is a word>. We are ALL fighting a battle whether it is financial, mental or simply trying to find our place. We cannot look down on anyone else. I dare say if you are looking down on someone else then reach down and help them up. In the current state of our country it is easy to allow hate to infect our state of mind. As a good friend of mine stated this morning on FB:

"America, you will wake up tomorrow and you will do good things. YOU can make a difference in your communities. You have more power than you realize. Don't relinquish it because of one vote. Go raise some awesome kids. Do something that makes you happy. Go make the world better. It needs us. Find your African-American friends, your immigrant friends, your female friends, your LGBTQ friends who are also hurting. If you don't have friends in those demographics, get some and show them that Jesus loves them and died for them too. Let's bridge this divide. Love each other. We can do that. You know why? Because America is great."

Thank you everyone for reading and until next time
Cast a big net and keep tight lines